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A WArm Canadian Welcome!

thank you for visiting our website and showing interest in our Canadian-made desserts!

We have been exporting our desserts into the USA for well over 25 years now, and have the experience needed to help you get set up.

On the heels of our recent International award in the Innovation category, we have also been the recipient of various accolades and awards given out by our Distributors. We hope that these can provide you with the confidence that we KNOW our Business, we STRIVE for excellence, and our GOAL is to keep producing the best tasting cakes on the planet.

Backed by BRC, GFCP/NFCA, and AVA (American Vegan Association) certifications, WOW! can help you bring the WOW! Factor to your customers.  

Looking for a unique dessert? WOW! Factor Desserts has the bakery capabilities to create a custom dessert for your establishment. Give us a recipe and we’ll make it or customize an existing product to your liking. 

If you would like more information, please contact:
Ron Kent, Executive Vice President Market Development, P 416.674.0606,